Our Journey to Hope

Episode 58 - Being Fearless in a Fearful World

Dr. Dave Laton Season 2 Episode 58

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It is easy to feel fear when we are bombarded daily with such negative input.  We hear it from our news sources.  We hear is from our friends, co-workers, and even family.  It is not wonder then that fear can have such a presence in our life.  But we can break away from fear.  We can embrace fearlessness.  

In this episode I share some things I've learned about being fearless.  I don't cover everthing on the subject but I do point out how we can remove fearfullness and dwell in fearlessness. 

I hope you'll join me in this episode and I hope you'll share it with others.  

You can learn more about hope by going to my website at: https://ourjourneytohope.com.  

Also, please leave feedback using the link above.

You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com

Please share this podcast with someone who's hope is being challenged. Also, please leave me feedback using the link at the top of the discription.

Hello Friends, I’m your host Dr. Dave Laton and thank you for joining me in Our Journey to Hope.

 It is my desire through this podcast to bring you information about how to discover, sustain, or perhaps regain hope.  

 In this episode I want to speak a bit about how to be fearless in a world where we're surrounded by things to fear.  Fear is one of the concepts that can have a negative impact on our hope.  If we are in a situation where our hope is being challenged, fear can make everything even worse.  

 It's understandable that we are concerned by the events all around us.  We seem to be bombarded all day long, even if we don't sit in front of a television or listen to other media telling us all the negative things going on.  Then we face the day-to-day issues from our own life situations.   It is normal then that we can't help but feel anxious, even fearful. 

 We like to think that in times of troubles people would bind together to help everyone overcome the challenges.  And sometimes they do.  But it seems too often they don't.  This can lead us to a feeling of loneliness as well as fear.  So, you get my point.  It's no wonder we feel frightened.  

  But don't despair, don't give in to fear.  There is hope.  There are things we can do each day, especially spiritual things to help calm our spirit, give us insights, and help us deal with fear.  

 What we are really talking about in all of this is to be in control of our life rather than let others control it.  This is especially true about fear.  One night early on in my cancer treatment I had a major panic attack.  My heart was racing, my chest was hurting, and I thought I was having a heart attack.  I hit the call button for the nurses and was quickly surrounded by a crowd.  My charge nurse realized what was going on and ran everyone off.  She sat on the end of my bed and we had a wonderful conversation.  One of the things she told me was that fear was a natural feeling, especially with all that I had going on.  She told me to not let it control me but for me to control it.  Much of what I am speaking about in this episode came from that conversation.  

  We can start by not dwelling on the negative things.  When we keep thinking about all the negative, we reinforce their negative impact on our mental wellbeing as well as our physical state.   There are too many things going on around us that we simply cannot change.  So we need to stop obsessing about all these issues and tragedies, especially those we have no control over. If we spend our day constantly focusing on these things we will increase our anxiety and keep in a downward spiral.  

 Instead, focus on what we can do.  We can focus on things that are positive.  We can learn to control our thoughts.  The Apostle Paul makes a great statement in his letter to the Philippians.  He is teaching the young Christians in Phillipi about what it means to be a citizen in God's Kingdom.  They faced many challenges like we do and many were struggling with their hope that they had gained by becoming a child of God. Paul  wanted to encourage them and help them grow spiritually to where they could better deal with all the negatives that surrounded them.   

 In his letter to the Philippians Paul tells them to not be anxious and to bring it to God in prayer.  He further tells them that as a result, they will gain the peace of God (Philippians 4:6-7).  Paul understood that prayer is a powerful thing we can do as children of God.  But he also understood that we need to remove things from our mind that hinder us in our gaining peace.  So he adds to his reminder of the power and outcome of prayer that we need to remove the negative from our minds.  As a master teacher, he doesn't just say remove something.  He adds what we can do to replace it.  He states in verse 8, 

 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about those things.  What we have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice those things, and the God of peace will be with you. 

  Have you ever had a song stuck in your head and you can't seem to get rid of it?  An effective way to get rid of it is to think of another song.  This stops the old song from repeating itself in your head.  By the way, that's also how we overcome bad habits.  We replace them with good or positive actions.  The point is, we must replace the negative, such as worrying about the things we cannot do, with the things we can do.  Stop with the negative, start with the good. 

 We can ask ourselves what we can change in our life and how we can improve our situation.  It is also a good thing to ask this of a good friend.  This is one way we can make a difference and overcome the fear we hold.  

 In addition to thinking on good things, try to act on good things.  I have found that it is very effective to get out of ourselves and look to do good for others.  I knew this intellectually, but I truly learned it when I was going through a year of treatment for cancer.  Instead of feeling sorry for myself, which was easy to do, I began to ask how I can use my situation to do good for others.  Although I was limited in what I could do, I resolved that those who had to care for me would not find it troublesome.  Beginning with the time I was in the hospital in the early period, I would greet my care providers, especially those who were responsible for caring for my daily living such as food and cleaning the room.  I got to know them personally so I could chat with them about what was important in their life.  I greeted my medical team with a smile and encouragement.  I let them know I prayed for them daily.  Sometimes we prayed together.  It was a joy for me as well.  Finally, after treatments ended, I became a volunteer at our local cancer treatment center so I could help others in their journey.  I wrote a book about hope and started this podcast to help others whose hope is being challenged.  

 Now that was something I could do.  All of us know of things we can do.  We know of others we can help.  Each of us has a special set of knowledge and skills we can learn to us to help others.  And, as we do so, we learn to glorify God.  This really works.  

 And as we think about how we can contribute to helping others, I'm not talking about money.  There are so many ways we can contribute from our time, knowledge, and experience that are much more valuable than our financial resources.  But one of the important things is to determine what we can do and begin to do it.

 Now, I just mentioned thinking about others.  But is also good to think about ourselves from time to time.  I don't necessarily mean in an egotistical or overconfident way.  I mean we must be in control of our life.  We can do things we enjoy.  This helps boost our positive outlook.  We can also spend time with someone who also enjoys doing what we like.  This helps develop and reinforce positive relationships.   

 Try to be an encourager.  Work at smiling!  Say good things instead of negative things.  We might need to practice this, but you know the old saying, "Practice makes perfect."  Another old saying that is good to keep in mind is "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

 Have you ever had a good talk with yourself?  You might laugh at this, but it helps us to think about what we are saying and how we are saying it.  If it sounds negative or harmful, then don't think on it and don't say it.

 The point I'm trying to make is to get rid of the bad thoughts and things in our life and replace them with the good things.

 It takes effort and sometimes help from others.  But don't be afraid to get started and work at it.  Sometimes we see immediate results.

 But most of all, turn to our Lord!  He invites us too.  He tells us in Matthew 11:28-30,

 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

 When we turn to our Lord, we will find Him and the rest he offers.

 If you are a seeker, God will provide someone to guide you to Him.  That is how He works.  Perhaps you are listening to this podcast for that very reason.  Certainly, I am here to help guide anyone seeking our Lord. 

 Well let me wrap up.  Remember, stop dwelling on the negative, and focus on the good.  The more we do so, the more of the good we will see.

 Friends, thank you for joining me as together we journey to hope.  I trust in some small way we have encouraged you to discover, sustain, or regain hope through this effort.   

 I invite you to contact me if you have questions or comments, or if you wish to share with me something you’ve experienced in your journey to hope.  My email is info@ourjourneytohope.com.   

 And please, share this podcast with someone whose hope is being challenged.

 I look forward to sharing more with you soon.  Again, I'm Dr. Dave Laton, and thank you for listening.  And until our next episode, remember, we give all glory to God our Father.

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