Our Journey to Hope

Bonus Episode - The Hope Poem

Dr. Dave Laton Season 2

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It's not unusual to feel alone and overwhelmed when life throws challenges at us.  We also may feel in these moments that these challenges pile on seeming to crush us by their number and weight.  It is in these moments that it is very important to remember that we are not alone.

I recently came across a poem by Amar Amarvani called, "The Hope Poem".  I want to share that with you along with another poem you probably know and might be able to quote.

You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com

Please share this podcast with someone who's hope is being challenged. Also, please leave me feedback using the link at the top of the discription.

Hello Friends, I’m your host Dr. Dave Laton and thank you for joining me in Our Journey to Hope.

It is my desire through this podcast to bring you information about how to discover, sustain, or perhaps regain hope.  

As we travel in this life there may be times when we feel we’re all alone, especially when facing challenges in life.  These challenges seem to come at us from all directions.  And it seems that when we are faced with a challenge, life has a way of piling on even more challenges and a downward spiral can begin.  But we must not let it be so.  We must remember that we are not alone.  We have a God that loves us and seeks to be a part of our life.  We have others around us that also love us and want to be there for us.  

I recently came across a poem by Amar Amarvani called, The Hope Poem.  I like this poem because Amar captures how someone might feel in their journey to hope.  I also like it because of the reminder he gives.  Let’s listen to what Amar says.

The Hope Poem 

At times I think, when things are not good,
 At times I think, when gloom clouds my mood,
 At times I think, in overwhelming pain,
 At times I think when all seems in vain.

I think at times – is it worth it!
 I think at times – does it all matter!

True these emotions are;
 No lie that life is in shatters,
 But I am living and,
 and that is actually what matters.

There are people who love me;
 there are those who need me.
 There are mountains to climb;
 there are things to be done.
 There are reasons to believe that,
 Life still is fun.

No matter how difficult things get; I will walk with my chin up

I will never give up.

Yes, I am hurt, I am torn apart,
 but nothing stops me from making a new start.
 So let’s perform duties, walk that tight rope,
 because I am living and there is hope.

These are good words of encouragement.  But the ideas he presents are not unique.  There is another poem that you probably have heard of and may be able to quote.  That is the 23rd Psalm.  Let me also read that.  And remember, these are words written by David but inspired by God’s Spirit.  And these words offer eternal hope.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
 He leads me beside still waters. 
 He restores my soul.
 He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
 for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
 you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
 and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

Friends, thank you for joining me as together we journey to hope.  I trust in some small way we have encouraged you to discover, sustain, or regain hope through this effort.   

I invite you to contact me if you have questions or comments, or if you wish to share with me something you’ve experienced in your journey to hope.  My email is info@ourjourneytohope.com.   

And please, share this podcast with someone whose hope is being challenged.

I look forward to sharing more with you soon.  Again, I'm Dr. Dave Laton, and thank you for listening.  And until our next episode, remember, we give all glory to God our Father.

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