Our Journey to Hope

Episode 77 - A Conversation With Bill and Kathy Hardy of Gospel Sharing Ministries

Dr. Dave Laton Season 2 Episode 77

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It is a wonderful thing when we discover the passion for our life.  So many times folks will flounder around looking for purpose and meaning in their life.  This is not so with Bill and Kathy Hardy.  They not only discovered their purpose and meaning in their life, they are living it every day.  

Bill and Kathy are part of a ministry called the "Gospel Sharing Ministries."  This ministry looks to help congregations develop the knowledge and skills to fulfill the mandate from our Lord to take the gospel to all.  But not just gaining that knowledge and skill, but how to put it into practice.  Bill uses the expression of getting into the game.  We also discuss how this ministry helps others discover, sustain, or regain hope, true hope, found in our Lord Jesus.

I also encourage you to listen to the passion in their voices as they share what this ministry is and their role in it.

If you want to know more about this ministry and how you can help or be a part of it, please visit the web site:  https://gospelsharingministires.com.

You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com

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