Our Journey to Hope

Episode 92 - A Conversation With Phil Rizzo About Truth, Justice, and Hope

Dr. Dave Laton Season 3 Episode 92

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Among the things I enjoy as a podcaster is meeting fascinating individuals and making friends.  Such is the case in this podcast as I am chatting with someone who is also a fellow podcaster, a fascinating guest, and a new friend.  I hope you’ll listen as Phil Rizzo and I discuss his podcast, his thoughts on hope, and how he helps others discover, sustain, or regain hope.  I invite you to listen and to be challenged by his insights.

Phil is the executive producer of the podcast, Light ‘Em Up.  He focuses on the U.S. criminal system, crime scene investigation and leadership.  His objective is to advance the cause of the truth and equal justice for all while examining up-close and personal the injustices in our criminal justice system. 

As he says on his show, “Like it or not the truth disturbs – the truth divides – but ultimately the truth delivers”.   

His podcast is featured on https://newsly.me .  It is also available at https://lightemup.buzzsprout.com and can also be found on all major podcast outlets.  

You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com

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