Our Journey to Hope

Episode 96 - A Conversation With Enhabit Hospice

Dr. Dave Laton Season 3 Episode 96

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When we hear that hospice has been called in to assist someone, we often think the person is at the end of their life, that there remains no more hope for living.  This is not always true.  Hospice does so much more for a person and his or her family.
In this episode I speak two new friends and representatives of Enhabit Home Health & Hospice of Montgomery, Alabama.  They are Colton Edwards, the area manager and  Dr. Sharon Barnes, Chaplain for Enhabit.

We talk about what hospice does to help patients, and their family discover, sustain, and regain hope.  Please note the passion for care as they share with us how they help others discover, sustain, or regain hope during a very personal and emotional time of life.
If you are wondering how hospice can help, no matter where you are, you can contact Enhabit Hospice at 877-330-7657.  If they cannot help you directly, they will refer you to someone who can.  Their information is:
 Enhabit Hospice

4782 Woodmere Blvd

Suite C

Montgomery, AL 36106

You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com

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