Our Journey to Hope
We all have the potential to have our hope challenged by life events, or we know someone whose hope is currently being challenged.
I invite you to explore this critical topic with us and please, share this with others. Our goal is to strengthen our own hope while helping others discover, sustain, or regain hope.
Remember, no one walks alone.
The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host. Guests are encouraged to express their opinions and insights freely in the interest of providing understanding and encouragement to others.
For more information, please visit my website at: https://ourjourneytohope.com/
Our Journey to Hope
Episode 97 - Bonus Episode - The Three Crosses
Have you ever wondered why most images of Calvary show three crosses when truly only one cross is important? I thought about that recently and came to understand the symbolism of not only our Lord's cross, but also the relevancy to remember the other two.
In this episode I share with you my thoughts on why it is important to remember all three crosses. I hope you listen to this short bonus episode. I invite you to share your thoughts with me.
You can learn more about hope by visiting my web site: https://ourjourneytohope.com
Please, be the person that helps touch someone who's hope is challenged by sharing this podcast. Also, please leave me feedback using the "Send us a text" link at the top of the description.
Hello Friends, I’m your host Dr. Dave Laton and thank you for joining me in Our Journey to Hope.
It is my desire through this podcast to bring you information about how to discover, sustain, or perhaps regain hope.
In this episode I want to share something I realized about one of the most well-known religious images, the three crosses on Calvary.
We know from scripture that two criminals were crucified on either side of our Lord Jesus. In Matthew’s account we see that initially both criminals cursed Jesus along with many of those who gathered to see the event. Keep that in mind because it is a critical point. Then at some time during the period the one criminal has a change of heart and asks Jesus to remember him when he came into His Kingdom. We know that our Lord told him he would be with Him in paradise that day.
Recently I was driving into town and passed by one of our local hospitals. Out front on the corner the hospital installed three large crosses made from steel I beams. A thought occurred to me about why we show the image of three crosses on calvary when the only one that matters is the cross our Lord was hung on. Yet upon further reflection, there is symbolic relevancy in the other two.
One cross, the one upon which the penitent criminal hung represents grace offered after calling upon the name of our Lord. As our Lord promises, to him was granted forgiveness and redemption.
The other cross represents one who chose to reject our Lord. Up to the moment of his death, this criminal also could have found forgiveness and redemption. But sadly, like many, he chose poorly and died unforgiven.
So all three crosses have important symbolism and should be remembered. One a sacrifice offering hope. Another seizing the hope. And sadly, another rejecting hope.
If you are wondering about the choice to make, I suggest you make the choice of the penitent criminal and call upon the name of our Lord for salvation. It is through His death that we receive the hope of eternal life as we repent, are baptized, and seek to live faithfully.
As Josua of old stated, choose this day whom you will serve. And as he concluded, I say, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Friends, thank you for joining Dr. Sleeth and I as together we journey to hope. I trust in some small way we have encouraged you to discover, sustain, or regain hope through this effort.
I invite you to contact me if you have questions or comments, or if you wish to share with me something you’ve experienced in your journey to hope. My email is info@ourjourneytohope.com.
And please, share this podcast with someone whose hope is being challenged.
I look forward to sharing more with you soon. Again, I'm Dr. Dave Laton, and thank you for listening. And until our next episode, remember, we give all glory to God our Father.